A bit late I know but Happy New Year and sorry for not posting for the last couple of months!
Will try and catch up!
We are now well into the Stampin Up Sale a Bration sales period. Up until 31st March if you spend £45 on SU products, you will receive exclusive products free, and if you join as a demonstrator you will receive and extra £30 in products too! You can either join as a business demo or just as a hobby demo for your own needs.
Check out the link below to see what you could have for your free products
The next Wick Hall class is on Tuesday 1st March, 7 - 9 pm, cost £10. We will be making the cards below, and if you live locally, there are still spaces for the evening.I will need confirmation and a £5 deposit by Monday 15th Feb to ensure that we have enough materials for all.
Please contact me for further information on Sale a Bration or to book your place on the craft evening.